
‘Star Wars’ Featuring Tommy Wiseau – Parody Video

Tommy Wiseau star wars

Tommy Wiseau, the writer/actor/director of one of the best/worst movies of all time gets transported into the Star Wars universe – with hilarious results.

Is this not one of the funniest videos on the internet?

Of course you must be a fan of The Room (2003) and Star Wars (any of them) to really appreciate this comedic bit of gold, but by this stage, if you call yourself a film fan, then I’m going to assume you are fans of both of these properties.

There’s plenty of these parody videos featuring Tommy Wiseau on the internet, but this would have to be one of the best, as it’s so well done.

Each line, and editing effect in the video is perfectly timed and added here.

Wiseau famously wrote, directed, and starred in The Room, which has been universally recognised as one of the worst movies of all time, but since its release, has cultivated a mass following.

The fact that the movie is so bad is what makes it so good, and it’s unintentionally hilarious.

Think what you want of that film and the man behind it, but if you ask me, I believe Tommy Wiseau is a genius.

To come up with an enigmatic character on (and off) the screen, is no easy task, even if it’s inadvertent!

And to have people talking about your movie in the capacity that The Room has seen over the years, is no short of remarkable for a director.

If anyone hasn’t seen it yet, do yourself a favour and check it out, and then you can check out The Disaster Artist, an upcoming film about the making of The Room, starring James Franco alongside an all-star cast (check out the first teaser trailer here).

The funny video below comes from the Pistol Shrimps YouTube channel, check it out and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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