
Spooky Original Banned Trailer for Horror Classic ‘The Exorcist’

the exorcist

Check out the original theatrical trailer for one of the greatest horror movies of all time, The Exorcist (1973) – a trailer that would go on to get banned.

The trailer is super-creepy and disturbing, but enough to warrant it being banned from screening at cinemas?

By today’s standards definitely not, but by 1973’s standards it would appear so.

Back then the world had yet to see something of the horrific scale set by The Exorcist, a film that went on to win two Academy Awards, as well as be nominated for a total of 10 awards – a film that would have people fainting and throwing up at screenings.

The world was just not ready for the film, and seeing the original trailer below I can see why it was banned.

I can only imagine non-horror fans being completely freaked out by it back then, and I believe it may have the same effect on some people even now.

The William Friedkin classic starred Linda Blair, Ellen Burstyn and Max von Sydow, and went on to change the horror genre as well as leaving a permanent mark on pop-culture history.

Check out the disturbing original trailer below.

Source: Geek Tyrant

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