
‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Tops Australian Box Office but Struggles Globally

solo a star wars story australian box office

Disney’s latest entry into the expanding Star Wars universe of films topped the Australian box office over its opening weekend, however, it failed to meet expectations domestically, as well as globally.

The film, which has been met with a mixed reaction since its launch on the 24th of May, pulled in $4,991,225 USD at the Australian box office in its opening weekend, easily securing the top spot.

Domestically, in America, the film struggled to reach the heights of its predecessors The Last Jedi (2017) and Rogue One (2016)managing to take in an abysmal $84,420,489 USD across the 4-day long Memorial Day weekend in the US.

In comparison, The Last Jedi and Rogue One brought home $220,009,584 USD and $155,081,681 USD over their opening weekends respectively.

Worldwide, Solo: A Star Wars Story is currently sitting at $172,697,257 USD after nearly a week at the cinemas.

To compare, Rogue One earned over a billion dollars globally after its season run.

These figures are surely not even close to the expectations of Kathleen Kennedy and co. over at Disney, signalling potentially troubling times for the beloved franchise.

What it means for the future of any potential Solo spinoffs or sequels remains to be seen, however, we can still be assured that there will be at least one Star Wars set film to come out each year.

The low takings for this latest one could be due to a number of factors; from its troubled production to its late marketing campaign, to its too-near release to The Last Jedi, to the fact that the movie just isn’t that great (see my review here).

It’ll be interesting to see how the film fares over its entire theatrical run, though the early signs aren’t the best.

Either way, its low box office performance should serve as a valuable lesson to the team at Disney, and force them to lift their game in future movies.

On a lighter note, a new film spot has recently dropped, highlighting popular character Lando Calrissian’s (Donald Glover) sartorial style in the film, which you can check out below.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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