
It’s the End of the Skywalker Saga in Final ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ Trailer

epic saga movies

The decades-long Skywalker saga is about to come to an end with the bittersweet release of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker this December.

The Rise of Skywalker will be the end of what has been one of the biggest cinematic movie sagas to date, beginning with George Lucas’s Star Wars: A New Hope, some forty-plus years ago in 1977.

Star Wars fans look to be in for a treat with this upcoming final instalment if this trailer is anything to go by.

It’s certainly heavy on the action and the visuals the trailer teases are some of the most epic we’ve seen from this franchise.

The Rise of Skywalker appears to the type of film cinemas were built for and it should offer a visceral and highly entertaining experience for all fans.

We will also be sure to see a few tears shed by the end of it.

All your favourite heroes and villains from the first two films make an appearance in this trailer, including the principal cast of Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega and Oscar Isaac.

We also get to see a glimpse of the franchise’s big bad, Emperor Palpatine, but not a full good look at him so it’s still anyone’s guess on how he’ll factor into the story.

And as far as the story is concerned, it looks to be more of the same underlying themes we’ve seen in the past two films and ones prior to it, so there won’t be much of a surprise there, but we can expect (or at least hope) some questions from this saga to be answered.

The Rise of Skywalker follows on from 2017’s The Last Jedi which was a film that left many fans divided (for reasons still unknown to me, yes I loved it).

I hope Disney hasn’t taken too much of the fan backlash on board and have let director J.J. Abrams follow through with his vision without being influenced by the fans (always makes for a better film if you ask me).

The film drops on 19 December 2019, check out the trailer below.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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