
Scorpion Headlines New Mortal Kombat Animated Feature Film

scorpion mortal kombat animated movie

Scorpion, the most popular character in this beloved fighting game franchise is the star of the show in the upcoming Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge animated film.

The new live-action Mortal Kombat film scheduled for release in 2021 is still ages away, though fans will have the opportunity to see their favorite fighting game characters in action even sooner with the upcoming animated film, Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge.

The film will tell the backstory of the franchise’s most popular character, Scorpion, along with the history of the deadly fighting tournament the popular video game revolves around.

The general premise of Mortal Kombat is that it follows a variety of enhanced combatants from Earth and other alternate worlds, that are brought together to fight to the death.

A human winner is required in order to save the Earth from the invasion of demonic, other-worldly forces.

The fighting game franchise hit it big upon its release in arcades in 1992 and since then its become best known for its brutal violence, colorful characters, and deep lore, cementing its place in pop-culture history.

The new animated film is produced by DC Comics’ Animation studios and the art direction is in the same style as a lot of their other works.

The trailer serves as more of an introduction into all of the characters and doesn’t feature much of Scorpion’s story-arc, however, it does enough to get fans excited for its release later this year.

Check out the cool new trailer below!

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