
‘Return of the Jedi’ Gets the Honest Trailer Treatment

return of the jedi trailer

Check out the funny Honest Trailer for 1983’s Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi, otherwise known as ‘the third one’.

George Lucas’ third instalment in his original Star Wars trilogy was by far the worst of the three, and his later re-release with added CGI scenes did not help.

Return of the Jedi was the most kid-friendly of all the original Star Wars films, with the inclusion of the cutesy, furry Ewoks.

Despite its flaws, it’s still an entertaining movie and a nice ending to that original trilogy, however when you break the film down the way the Honest Trailer team does, there is plenty to laugh at.

The Honest Trailer drops right in time before the release of The Last Jedi at midnight tonight, a film that’s already gotten lots of early praise.

Check out the funny video below, and for more cool videos and coverage of all things Star Wars, click here to see our past posts.

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