
‘Power Rangers’ Character Posters

power rangers

A new image along with character posters of the cast for the upcoming Power Rangers movie have been released.

The new image featured above shows the villain Rita Repulsa (played by Elizabeth Banks) attacking the Yellow Ranger, Trini (Played by Becky G.).

New character posters featuring the five actors the play the Power Rangers were also released, sans costumes.

There’s been a bit of fan backlash over the look of the new costumes in the new Power Rangers films, but I personally don’t mind them.

They’re not great by all means, but it’s one of those things where it would have been almost impossible to come up with a design to please everyone, so it’s best just to go with it.

The film is directed by Dean Israelite and is out in March 2017 and hopefully we’ll get a trailer soon.

The new character posters are below and please click on the images for a larger view.

I don’t mind the style of these new posters, they’re simple enough to highlight the characters without over-doing it in Photoshop as they’re have been some shocking character come out for blockbuster films in recent years.

Here’s the cast below in the controversial new costumes. What do you think?

power rangers

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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