
Awesome Noir Inspired Fan-Made Trailer for Tim Burton’s ‘Batman’

batman noir movie

This cool fan-made trailer for Tim Burton’s 1989 classic Batman takes its inspiration from 1940’s crime noir films.

Came across this awesome trailer on Geek Tyrant by way of the Journey’s End Youtube channel which re-cuts the original trailer for Batman as if the film was released in 1945.

The style is influenced by classic noir films of the 40’s like John Huston’s classic The Maltese Falcon (1941), Hitchcock’s Rebecca (1940) and Carol Reed’s The Third Man (1949) amongst others.

It’s amazing to see just how well this style works for Burton’s genre-defining film and it if it were real, it’s something I’d love to watch (ok, maybe minus those cheesy voiceovers).

Batman was a breakthrough film for DC Comics and superhero films, with Burton’s dark and edgy (with a bit of camp) take on the caped crusader changing the superhero film landscape forever.

This was way before the Marvel domination of today, when DC was king in the comic book movie film universe, and Batman still holds up to this day.

For the few out there that haven’t seen it, it starred Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne/Batman and Jack Nicholson as Joker.

Funnily enough, Nicholson got top billing in the opening credits of the film and it’s no surprise to see why, as he steals the show with his iteration of the maniacal ‘laughing-man’.

A lot of fans, even to this day, rate the Keaton/Nicholson duo as the best portrayal of these characters ever put to film and it’s hard to deny them.

Enjoy this special treat and let us know your favourite Batman/Joker portrayal in the comments below.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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