
New Teaser for Brad Pitt & Marion Cotillard Film ‘Allied’

brad pitt

A new teaser has been released for the upcoming romantic saga Allied, starring Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard, directed by Oscar-Winner Robert Zemeckis.

Everyone’s heard the news today about Brad Pitt’s and Angelina Jolie’s divorce, so smart play by Paramount Pictures to release this video on the day when one of the film’s stars will be trending on social and traditional media across the globe.

The short teaser below gives us another brief look at the characters in the film, as well its excellent production value, and what to expect in terms of tone.

It looks like it will be a classic, epic WW2 drama, with the romantic relationship of the film’s two leading characters at it’s core.

Director Robert Zemeckis is a master at these types of epic dramas, having directed films like Forrest Gump and Cast Away (amongst many other classic films), so this definitely looks intriguing.

It appears the film could be typical Oscar-bait though, which is sometimes so obvious that it detracts from the end result of the film, although it would still be wise to put your faith in this director.

Allied is due out on Australian cinemas on Boxing Day, 26 December 2016.

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