
‘Man of Steel’ Sequel in the Works


Word around town today is that a sequel to Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel is currently in development at Warner Bros. Studios.

It’s just a rumour at this stage, but really it’s no surprise if it’s true.

We’re living in an era where any big-budget blockbuster has the potential to spawn multiple sequels, but even more so in the superhero genre.

There were rumours of a direct sequel to Man of Steel ever since it was released, however Warner Bros opted to go with Batman v Superman instead, putting doubts on ever proceeding with a sequel to 2013’s Superman reboot.

With the box office success of those two films and what will surely be a financial success in their film Suicide Squad, it makes sense to go ahead with this film.

Although these films didn’t earn as much as some of their rivals’ tentpole films, they have done enough to warrant production on an entire extended universe of films based on DC Comics characters.

This is good news in my opinion, as these characters are just as, if not more beloved than the characters that belong to Marvel.

The three films in DC’s extended universe have divided fans and critics alike, which is a good thing in my opinion, as they force endless discussions from viewers, for better or worse.

The Man of Steel sequel will likely be years away though, as DC still has to bring out Wonder Woman, Justice League, Aquaman and the solo Batman film in the next few years to come.

Not to mention whatever other solo films they have planned in their timeline for the other characters of the Justice League, such as Cyborg and Flash.

Is anyone excited for this? I know I’m definitely happy to see more films based on these characters, set in the gritty world that Warner Bros and DC have conjured up.

Source: The Wrap


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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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I’m looking forward to a superman film that’s not an introduction to the character again…