
Trailer for New Laurel & Hardy Biopic ‘Stan & Ollie’

stan and ollie movie trailer

Steve Coogan and John C. Reilly play the iconic comedy duo Laurel and Hardy in Stan & Ollie, the upcoming biopic that follows the final days of their careers.

Stan & Ollie follows the lives of the legendary American comedy act Laurel and Hardy, in their final years on the circuit as they endure a gruelling tour of post-war Britain.

The duo were active between the years of 1927 – 1955 and have since gone on to become icons in the comedy field.

The film highlights the relationship between Laurel and Hardy (Coogan and Reilly, respectively), including their professional and personal relationship.

An interesting point made in the trailer was the rift between the two actors near the end of their careers, as well as the health issues concerning Hardy around the same time.

The two do, however, appear to put aside their differences in order to complete their obligations.

Coogan and Reilly appear to have put in their best efforts in capturing the essence of the duo, with what looks like A-grade performances from both.

Jeff Pope, the Oscar-nominated writer of Philomena (2013) takes writing credit on this one.

It’s directed by Jon S. Baird, who previously directed the James McAvoy-starring Filth (2013) – the difference between that film and this one being night and day.

The film looks dramatic and heartwarming with exceptional performances on display.

We’ll find out when it releases on 11 January 2019.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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