
‘Ghostbusters 2’ – Honest Trailer


With the imminent release of the Ghostbusters reboot film, the Screen Junkies team have released a funny new Honest Trailer for 1989’s Ghostbusters 2.

They mostly poke fun at the fact that Ghostbusters 2 was so similar to the first film (but worse) and how everyone on the internet thinks the new Ghostbusters will be terrible before they’ve even seen it.

I thought Ghostbusters 2 was great and the main villain Vigo (pictured above) scared the hell out of me as a kid.

Watching this Honest Trailer brought upon some sentimental feelings when thinking of some of the actors in the film – Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Rick Moranis.

Harold Ramis unfortunately passed away recently, Rick Moranis quit acting decades ago and Dan Aykroyd has also dropped off the film circuit.

After growing up with their movies in the 90’s, It’s a huge shame to see they’re not working much any more.

But thankfully of that group, we still have Bill Murray keeping regularly active and entertaining us in new films.

Ghostbusters is out on July 14 in Australian cinemas.

You can see more Honest Trailers on the Screen Junkies Youtube page here (most of them are hilarious).

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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