
Two New Featurettes for Upcoming Tom Cruise Film – ‘American Made’

American Made Tom Cruise

The Tom Cruise-starring crime-biopic American Made gets two new featurettes that highlight aspects of the film’s remarkable true story.

Cruise plays the opportunistic and adventurous pilot Barry Seal, who would go on to work for the CIA, the American Government – and Colombia’s biggest drug cartel, while making more money than he knew what to do with.

American Made is based on a remarkable true story, and is directed by Doug Liman, who recently directed Tom Cruise in 2014’s Edge of Tomorrow.

The first featurette below, ‘A Look Inside’, features Cruise and director Doug Liman talking about the character of Barry Seal, and his penchant for adventure, as well as some of the characters and organisations he gets mixed up with.

Intertwined with that is some footage from the film which will give you an idea of the tone the film is trying to set.

The second featurette, ‘Cocaine Crash’, highlights a specific scene in the film, that sees Cruise’s character land a light plane in the middle of a street in Atlanta.

And of course, anyone that knows a bit about Tom Cruise will know that he likes to do his own stunts, for better or worse, which was the case here as usual.

You have to respect an actor that does their own stunts, and Tom is the type of actor that’s adamant in doing even the riskiest stuff himself, in order to help each stunt sequence look more authentic to the audience.

American Made hits cinemas on 24 August 2017, and if you haven’t seen the trailer for the film, you can check it out here.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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