
‘David Brent: Life on the Road’ – Lady Gypsy Music Video

lady gypsy

To promote the film David Brent: Life on the Road, eONE Entertainment has released a new music video by the fictional character David Brent (played by Ricky Gervais), called Lady Gypsy.

The song is hilarious and it will give people an idea of the typical humour to be expected from the character and in the film itself when it comes out.

David Brent: Life on the Road follows the character in his days after the office, where he is now on the road performing music with his band.

The film is written and directed by Ricky Gervais, who reprises his role of the title character, made famous in Gervais’ own TV series The Office back in 2001.

You can check out the trailer in one of our earlier posts here and the film is scheduled to be released on 25 August 2016 in Australia.

IMDB Synopsis:

A camera crew catches up with David Brent, the former star of the fictional British series, “The Office” as he now fancies himself a rockstar on the road.

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