
‘Conor McGregor: Notorious’ Details the Rise of a Champion – Review

Conor McGregor notorious review

The Notorious Conor McGregor is the subject of this latest documentary about the fighter’s rise to the top of the MMA world.

The film features McGregor front and centre in each frame as it recounts his ascension up the fight-world ladder. There is plenty of archival footage on display, from the fighter’s humble early days (and I do mean humble) all the way to the highest highs of celebrity and fame. In between we get to see the amount of dedication McGregor puts in to his quest to becoming the best, with training highlights and a look at his inner circle, as well as the highs and lows that come with the sport and the business.

Notorious does a decent job at not being a fluff piece for the fighter, though there is hardly any controversy on display here in this documentary. Granted, not all fighter-come-celebrities have a controversial life (though it does make for dramatic viewing), however there is nothing in this film that could potentially tarnish the fighter’s image, which of course would be counter productive to the goal of the film – to inspire.

Conor McGregor Nate Diaz

Director Gavin Fitzgerald and his team have done a great job in the editing room, putting in all the right bits of footage to build an investment into the character, while highlighting the amount of will and determination that is required to make it to the top of the fight game. It also serves as a good analogy for any aspect of life that sees an individual up against the odds, showing that hard work and dedication can pay off if you have the right mindset, which McGregor does.

The film also sheds light on McGregor’s personal support system as he rises up the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) rankings, with an intimate look at his family, coaching staff and teammates, detailing accurately that fighting is not as lonely a sport as it may seem. As his fight-wins keep mounting up, McGregor becomes more popular on a global scale, and we know the price of fame can chew up and spit out a lot of mainstream celebrities. We get to see how McGregor handles his new found fame, which is another point of inspiration for the budding celebrity in us all.

Conor McGregor: Notorious may not have much going for it by way of drama, however it hits the target in serving as an educational and inspirational piece about what it takes to make it to the top of the fight game. The lessons on show here can be applied to every aspect of one’s life, because if you can handle being punched and kicked in the face for a living, as well as the pressures that come with celebrity and fame, well then, it does seem like us normal folk have it relatively easy.

Fun Fact:

Conor McGregor also served as executive producer on this documentary.

Conor McGregor: Notorious
Entertainment Value
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Directed By
Gavin Fitzgerald
Conor McGregor
Dee Devlin
Nate Diaz
Dana White
1627 posts

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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