
Comedian Dana Carvey Nails 17 Celebrity Impressions – Video

dana carvey

The talented actor behind Wayne World’s iconic character Garth Elgar, Dana Carvey, showcases his celebrity impressions talent on the Howard Stern show.

As a fan of movies, it’s always great to see actors with the ability to do awesome celebrity impressions, and as you’ll see in the below video, it seems to come naturally for comedian Dana Carvey.

Doing celebrity impressions is an underrated skill to have, but a great one nevertheless as it’s extremely hard; one of those talents that you either have or you don’t.

Carvey hit it big in the early 90’s after starring in the two Wayne’s World films along with co-lead Mike Myers, but he appears to have dropped off the radar after that decade ended, which is a shame as he’s one of the great comedians.

He has however kept busy on-screen in smaller projects, and has been a regular on Saturday Night Live for 30 years, so while he may not be gracing the silver screen any time soon, his presence is still felt in the comedy world.

Check out the cool video below, and below that, check out a clip of Kevin Spacey doing celebrity impressions, whom along with Carvey, has a unique knack for impressions as well.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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