
‘The Circle’ – Trailer for New Emma Watson Film

emma watson the circle

Emma Watson, Tom Hanks and John Boyega star in the upcoming techno-thriller The Circle, based on the novel by Dave Eggers.

Emma Watson’s character Mae earns a position at a powerful tech company called The Circle; a company so technologically advanced that they can cure all diseases and such.

However she soon finds out things aren’t all what they appear to be.

I was definitely intrigued by the trailer and the plot of this film, even though it just looks like a feature-length episode of Black Mirror.

For anyone unaware, Black Mirror is Netflix series that features the horrors of modern technology in each of its episodes, which is essentially what The Circle is all about.

The film is based on the 2013 novel of the same name by Dave Eggers and is directed by James Ponsoldt whose credits include The Spectacular Now (2013) and The End of the Tour (2015).

It also stars Tom Hanks who does his best Steve Jobs-like impression of a technology empire-head in the trailer, Karen Gillan and rising star John Boyega.

I like the premise of this film, but must admit the trailer didn’t quite hook me yet, so I’ll have to wait until more trailers come out to get a better idea of the sense of tone the film is going for.

The film releases on 28 April 2017 in the USA, check out the first trailer below.

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