
Awesome Fan-Made ‘Batman Forever’ Trailer

batman forever

Batman Forever, one of the least-liked Batman films gets an awesome fan-made trailer that makes it actually look pretty good.

Youtube user Sam Ibrahim has created a cool trailer for 1995’s Batman Forever film, featuring the music of Daft Punk and re-cut in a way that makes it look a lot better than what the actual final product was.

By now anyone who’s a Batman film fan would have likely seen Batman Forever, which wasn’t as bad as its follow up Batman & Robin, is still pretty forgettable.

Tim Burton’s 1989 film brought Batman to the big screen in an exciting new way – in a dark new fashion, while still retaining some of the character’s prior campiness.

Since then, the films on the character from that era became progressively more camp and cheesy, with Joel Schumacher’s Batman Forever and Batman & Robin setting the bar for how bad a comic-book film adaptation can get on those fronts.

The remixed trailer below looks like it fits in with modern film trailers, even going as far as using the colour schemes used in the recent DC film Suicide Squad, which too, will sadly end up being mostly forgettable.

Whatever your opinion on the Batman films of the late 80’s and 90’s, it’s fair to say they’re good guilty-pleasure films, as bad as they are.

Source: Gizmodo

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