
‘Yoga Hosers’ – Trailer

Check out the new trailer for Yoga Hosers, the new film by Kevin Smith. Be warned though, this could be the longest two minutes of your life, or you might get a kick out of it (might).

Going by the trailer, the film appears to be about two typical Canadian teenage yoga (and texting) enthusiasts who battle evil Nazi sausage monsters. Yep you read that correctly.

While looking utterly ridiculous, it’s a film I’m looking forward to as I’ll watch anything Kevin Smith releases.

It seems that Kevin Smith is at the stage of his career now where he’s just having fun with his films without too much care of what the audience feedback might be. Now whether this is a smart move or not remains to be seen, however he does still have several films in his pipeline so people are still watching his films.

The film stars Harley Quinn Smith and Lily-Rose Melody Depp (daughters of Kevin Smith and Johnny Depp respectively), as well as Justin Long, Johnny Depp, Natasha Lyonne and Tony Hale – not a bad supporting cast, with several other recognisable names (see IMDB page).

While i’m not holding my breath for this one, it’s a must-see at some point, if just to see how bad it can possibly be. I’m hopeful there will be some good in it though.

You’ll have to check out the trailer below for yourselves as there’s just too much silliness in it to put in words here.

IMDB Synopsis:

Two teenage yoga enthusiasts team up with a legendary man-hunter to battle with an ancient evil presence that is threatening their major party plans.


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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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