
‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Director Taika Waititi Addresses IGN Commenters

taika waititi

Taika Waititi, the director of Thor: Ragnarok takes time out of his schedule to respond to commenters on IGN’s Youtube page in this humorous video.

Fans of the director’s work will know that he is a funny individual, with his comedic style translating over to the screen in all of his films.

This was no less the case in the highly entertaining Thor: Ragnarok (see my review here), which is one of Marvel’s funniest movies to date, one that can safely be classed as a straight comedy.

IGN’s Youtube page receives countless numbers of comments on their videos, and Waititi addresses some of those negative (and positive) comments aimed at the director and his latest film.

The video reminds me of the hilarious Celebrities Read Mean Tweets series that feature on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, though the comments featured in this video are nowhere near as degrading.

In any case the video makes for some funny light entertainment that showcases the director’s particular brand of humour.

Check it out below before seeing Thor: Ragnarok, out now in cinemas nationwide.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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