
The Greatest Exploitationist – P.T. Barnum and Glorifying Awful People

Hollywood often sets the truth aside in favour of telling a better story. Sometimes the truth doesn’t have that perfect three-act structure they’re looking for, and that’s okay. Alternatively, in some rare cases, the film differs from reality, because the truth is just too insane to believe. For instance, Hugh Glass of The Revenant (2015), did not crawl across the country after being mauled by a bear to seek vengeance for the murder of his son, he just did it because he was pissed at John Fitzgerald; Glass didn’t even have a son.


'Gifted' – Review

From the opening minutes of Gifted, most of us will be fairly sure how it will end. But for a film that deals in sentiment and predictability, it actually manages to hit almost all the right notes.


'Okja' – Review

The Netflix Original film Okja, directed by Bong Joon-ho was released on 28 June 2017 and has since become one of their most popular and talked about films.


'Hampstead' – Review

There’s one tradition in the arts that I’ve always gotten a kick out of, and that’s picking an accomplished artist (whether it be an actor or writer or director or some such), and then finding a cheaper, or less impressive version of that accomplished artist to ironically stand alongside him or her.