
Robert Redford Retires from Acting

robert redford

Robert Redford, the legendary actor and director has announced he’s retiring from acting, and at 80 years of age there’s no better time.

The Oscar-winning actor and director recently announced his retirement from acting, citing that he’s getting tired of it, and after 55+ years in the industry, who can blame him?

Redford went on to say:

“I’m an impatient person, so it’s hard for me to sit around and do take after take after take. At this point in my life, age 80, it’d give me more satisfaction because I’m not dependent on anybody. It’s just me, just the way it used to be, and so going back to sketching—that’s sort of where my head is right now. So, I’m thinking of moving in that direction and not acting so much.”

While he’ll sorely be missed, he’s more than paid his dues in the industry and deserves a much needed break.

The actor still has four films due for release in 2017, after which he will officially call it quits, however he may continue directing.

Robert Redford was as impressive behind the camera as he was in front of it, having won an Academy Award for his directing debut with 1980’s Ordinary People.

He is of course best known for his acting work, starring in many classic film such as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969), The Sting (1973), All the President’s Men  (1976) and Out of Africa (1985).

One of his more impressive recent performances was in 2013’s All is Lost, playing the sole character in a film about a sailor up against the elements at sea.

The actor will be missed from the big screen, but we’re lucky enough to have an amazing back catalogue of his work to view any time.

Check out a clip from one of my favourite Redford films, The Sting, below.

Source: Collider

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