
Mr Robot’s Rami Malek to Play Freddie Mercury in Queen Biopic

rami malek

Rami Malek has been confirmed to play Mercury in a biopic about the legendary singer’s life, with Bryan Singer rumoured to direct.

The film will be titled Bohemian Rhapsody, after the hit song made famous by Queen and their enigmatic frontman.

The project has been in the works for years now but has never really made any progress, with comedian/actor Sacha Baron Cohen originally set to play frontman.

That fell through and things went quiet after that, until recently when it was announced that Malek will fill his shoes and star in the upcoming feature.

Freddy Mercury is one of the most popular frontmen in modern music history, leading the band Queen to massive heights during their reign that began in 1973, though sadly, the flamboyant singer died of AIDS at the young age of 45 back in 1991.

His biopic has been a long time coming, so this news is a promising sign that things are headed in the right direction.

Rami Malek rose to fame after his performance as the brilliant, but fragile Anonymous-type hacker Elliot in the hit TV show Mr. Robot, however he does have several film credits to his name, but this will definitely stand to be his breakout role in the film industry.

It’s an excellent casting choice, though having Bryan Singer direct (if true), is a bit touch-and-go for me.

Singer’s been busy with the X-Men films over the last few years, and with his underwhelming recent effort in X-Men: Apocalypse, it’s due time he moves on to other projects and lets someone else handle the X-Men films.

The source material is there and the star is there, so it will come down to the writing and directing to see whether or not this film ends up being any good, but it will also come down to how user-friendly the film is.

Singer will need to avoid any puff-piece elements and tell a true, and raw piece about the singer’s life, showing the highs and lows, while avoiding trying to paint him in a particular light – not an easy task for any director.

Source: Collider

freddie mercury

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