
Celebrities Read Mean Tweets 11th Edition – Funny Video

mean tweets gal gadot

Gal Gadot, Elisabeth Moss, Jennifer Lawrence and Michael Keaton are just some of the big names that feature in this latest version of Kimmel’s Mean Tweets.

The Celebrities Read Mean Tweets series has been running for a while now on the Jimmy Kimmel show, and the 11th instalment has just dropped.

It features some big names as listed above, along with several others as they read funny, but mean tweets about themselves from the general public.

While some of the tweets themselves are terribly hurtful, it’s good to see that these stars can see the humour in them, as negative feedback from the public always comes with the territory when you’re in the spotlight.

It’s a shame that celebrities get targeted by the general social media-using public, simply for being in the public eye, though that is the nature of the modern, technologically savvy society, where everyone has a voice.

It’s something that won’t go away any time soon, so at least these celebs and the Jimmy Kimmel show’s writing team have been able to turn these insulting tweets in their favour in the name of comedy, and all the videos in the series are hilarious.

Check out the video below, and you can view the Mean Tweets Oscars Edition video here, as well as the 10th version video here.

Have you ever tweeted something insulting to a celebrity on Twitter or other forms of social media?

Let us know in the comments below, as well as what possessed you to do so.

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