
‘Lucy in the Sky’ Sees Astronaut Go Nuts After Being in Space Too Long

lucy in the sky trailer

Natalie Portman plays an astronaut who comes back a changed woman after having a transcendent experience floating above the Earth in Lucy in the Sky.

Astronaut Lucy Cola (Portman) begins to lose touch with reality when she returns to Earth from a mission to space.

From what we can see in the trailer, she’s adamant to want to go back to space when things just aren’t what they were before back home.

Her declining mental state appears to have an effect on her family and relationships as she begins to have hallucinogenic visions.

The visions I speak of aren’t too heavily featured in the official trailer below but were more prominent in the film’s first teaser.

The official trailer is less ambiguous than the teaser and opts to cover the film’s narrative in a more reasonable fashion, highlighting Cola’s quest to do whatever it takes to get back to space while hinting at her declining psychological state.

The film is directed by Noah Hawley, who is the writer and producer of the hit TV shows Fargo and Legion, both of which contained trippy elements, and it appears he’s brought some of his style over to his debut feature.

Lucy in the Sky looks like an unique addition to the sci-fi genre and should please fans of the director as well as the talent involved.

It co-stars Jon Hamm, Zazie Beetz, Dan Stevens and Nick Offerman and is due for release on 4 October 2019.

Check out the trailer below.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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