
Mark Ruffalo Takes on a Chemical Company in Law Drama ‘Dark Waters’

law drama movies

Mark Ruffalo puts his best lawyering hat on in the upcoming law drama film Dark Waters from director Todd Haynes, based on a true story.

Ruffalo plays a corporate defence attorney that takes on a case against the DuPont chemical company, who have been secretly poisoning the population of a small US town.

The case pushes his character to the limit, endangering his family life along the way in this upcoming film from Carol (2015) director Todd Haynes.

The Avengers: Endgame (2019) actor appears to have put on a great performance for this one, in which seems like a nice change of pace for the actor who’s been busy in the superhero movie realm these past few years.

Dark Waters is one of those films that aim to put light on the shady dealings of corporations and the establishment, which is always shocking to see.

Corporate growth at the expense of the lives of innocent people is an atrocious act and often makes for compelling viewing, which is evident in the trailer for this film.

There’s definitely a Spotlight (2015) vibe to this one as well, an award-winning film which Ruffalo also starred in and received an Oscar nomination for.

But will this new law drama be good enough to garner some Award recognition?

We’ll find out when Dark Waters releases on 22 November 2019.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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