
‘Kidnap’ – Trailer


A trailer for the film Kidnap sees Halle Berry take the law into her own hands in order to recover her kidnapped son, and surprisingly, this looks good.

After seeing her son kidnapped at a playground, a distraught mother (Halle Berry) sets out to chase and find his captors in what appears to be an exhilarating thriller film.

There is a strong chance here that the trailer will end up being much better than the film itself, however for now it did a good job in capturing my attention to the point where I really want to see this.

I can’t imagine it will be great, but it should have some B-level qualities that will make for guilty-pleasure viewing.

Berry recently starred in 2013’s The Call, where she plays a 911 operator who takes into her own hands the recovery of an abducted girl.

Kidnap reminds me of that film, which was pretty terrible when you break it down, but was still definitely watchable.

The film is directed by Luis Prieto, whose most recent English-language film was the 2012 remake of Nicolas Winding Refn’s classic crime film Pusher.

The remake was very true to the original, but failed to capture any of its rawness or charm, as far as charm goes in a film about drug pushers anyway.

Kidnap is out on 2 December 2016 in the USA.

IMDB Synopsis:

A mother stops at nothing to recover her kidnapped son.

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