
‘Jasper Jones’ – First Official Trailer

jasper jones trailer

The first official trailer for the Australian film Jasper Jones has been released today, starring Levi Miller, Aaron L. McGrath and Angourie Rice.

The film follows Charlie Bucktin (Levi Miller) and Jasper Jones (Aaron L. McGrath), as the two set out to solve the mystery of a missing girl from the small town of Corrigan.

It appears Hugo Weaving is playing the key suspect in the mystery, with Toni Collette as Charlie’s mother.

The trailer doesn’t give away too much else plot-wise, as there will likely be a twist in there somewhere, however it does set the tone for the film.

Jasper Jones appears to be a film with a heavy theme at its core, but also one that has a feel-good vibe running through it.

It’s a fairly common style in Australian films, which tends to get a bit old – it would be nice to see a new Australian film that pushes the tone in one direction and commits to it.

Films like Jasper Jones, with heavy drama and feel-good undertones don’t necessarily make for bad viewing, but it does feel like the filmmakers are pushing the tone on us, rather than subtly injecting it into the film.

The film is directed by Rachel Perkins, who directed the popular Australian comedy/musical film Bran Nue Dae (2009).

It releases on 2 March 2017 in Australia, check out the trailer below.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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