
Nostalgia Season’s in Full Swing with Trailer for ‘Home Sweet Home Alone’

home sweet home alone movie

The legendary 90s holiday film Home Alone is being rebooted for a modern audience known as Home Sweet Home Alone.

Disney is bringing back one of the world’s most beloved franchises for what must only be nostalgic reasons.

Released in 1990, Home Alone featured Macaulay Culkin as Kevin; a young boy left behind in his enormous family home while the rest of his family left for Christmas vacation.

Enter two would-be home invaders played hilariously by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern, who were ultimately no match for Kevin’s cunning use of booby traps.

Home Alone was a huge comedy and Christmas movie success and made a star out of Culkin, who was essentially set for life after that film and wouldn’t need to work again (he didn’t).

home sweet home alone movie

With nostalgia running hot right now and reboot films all the rage, Disney has commissioned a remake of the film starring young actor Archie Yates of Jojo Rabbit (2019) fame in the lead role.

Playing the bumbling home invaders are Ellie Kemper and Rob Delaney, and despite this looking like a straight copy of the original film, it all seems to work.

Home Sweet Home Alone looks like it retains all the original film’s charm with plenty of laughs to be had (seeing people get injured never gets old).

Archie Yates has plenty of charisma, and Kemper and Delaney look like an excellent fit for the bad guys.

See it exclusively on Disney Plus from the 12th of November.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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