
Funny Fan Trailer for What Tarantino’s Star Trek Movie Might Look Like

star trek tarantino fan trailer

This hilarious fan trailer gives us a look at what a Quentin Tarantino Star Trek film could look like, featuring expertly edited footage from the original TV series.

Rumours recently surfaced that Quentin Tarantino may be developing a new Star Trek movie.

It sounded ridiculous at first until things started picking up steam, with Variety reporting that it was in fact real, and the writer of The Revenant (2015), Mark L. Smith, had been hired to write the script.

Tarantino has always been a fan of Star Trek, but the idea still seemed absurd considering the style of movies he’s known for.

Directing a major blockbuster franchise film would be out of character for the director, let alone one that would likely not allow him to feature his signature trademark of violence and profanity.

But also, one that would likely limit his creative freedom on the project.

In any case, it looks as though the film may actually come to fruition which is great news, as it means we might get a Star Trek film that may fall somewhere outside of what we’re normally used to.

Not that there was anything wrong with the rebooted Trekky films, even though they’re still generally basic blockbuster popcorn movies.

The team over at Nerdist on YouTube have put together a funny trailer of what Tarantino’s movie might be like, featuring the cast of the original Star Trek TV series.

It features an exploitation-style tone, with pulpy music and voiceover, and of course plenty of violence.

Check it out below.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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