
‘Fast & Furious 6’ – Review

The true measure of success for a film franchise is when films in the series start to become parodies of themselves. The sixth instalment in the Fast & Furious series is a true example of this, bringing back everything to love and hate from the previous five films and taking it to another level. The lines are cheesier, the plot is simpler and the action set pieces larger and more extravagant than any in the previous films (and other action films period). It’s a film where all disbelief must be averted to enjoy it and once that is done, it’s a highly memorable and enjoyable cinematic experience.

In Fast & Furious 6, Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) seeks the aid of one-time nemeses Dom (Vin Diesel) and partner-in-crime Brian (Paul Walker) in order to take down the ruthless criminal Shaw (Luke Evans) who, along with his crew, have stolen a high-end military device with the intention of selling it on the black market for billions. The promise of a full pardon for Dom and his crew, along with the chance of reuniting with his long lost love Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) sets the stage for the action packed adventure that waits ahead.

The premise is textbook stuff, themes that have been seen in countless other action-crime films. There are cliché’s and corny one-liners in abundance in this film and the acting is amateurish at best. It appears that the writers have purposefully chosen to go in this direction with the script, because as poor as the script may be on a creative and intelligence level, the execution of it all works on various levels. It’s funny, charming and all the characters are likeable, including the villains.

The action has always been the biggest drawcard for Fast & Furious fans. The scope of the set pieces in this film supersedes all five of its predecessors. Every major action set piece in the film is epic, and each consecutive one outdoes the other. It’s edge-of-your-seat stuff.

The filmmakers of Fast & Furious 6 have found a winning formula that’s perfect for the big-screen. They’ve created a highly enjoyable, emotive blockbuster that rivals the best of them.

Fun Fact:

The tank chase was originally planned to be created via CGI, but director Justin Lin insisted that it had to be done practically with some post-production enhancements.

Fast & Furious 6
Entertainment Value
Reader Rating0 Votes
Directed By
Justin Lin
Vin Diesel
Paul Walker
Dwayne Johnson
Jordana Brewster
Michelle Rodriguez
1627 posts

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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