
Small Town Comes Together to Raise a Racehorse in ‘Dream Horse’

dream horse movie trailer

Toni Collette and Damian Lewis star in Dream Horse, an uplifting story of a small-town uniting to breed and raise a racehorse.

Collette plays Jan Vokes, a small-town bartender who convinces her fellow townsfolk to pitch in and breed a racehorse, with the ultimate goal of taking it to the races to compete with the racing elites.

The horse, named Dream Alliance, initially seems like a dud but eventually finds its stride and sends Jan and her co-owners to the races.

Dream Horse is based on a true story of an unlikely racehorse owner who makes it to the big racing leagues with hardly any money or experience.

The film is full of inspirational themes, showing what a band of underdogs can do by sticking together.

Animal lovers, along with punters and sports lovers, will be drawn to this one, but it seems like it offers something for anyone willing to give it a go, as these type of films tend to have a reasonably broad appeal.

Australian actress Toni Collette takes a step back from Hollywood here after featuring in several standout films recently, including the likes of Hereditary (2018) and Knives Out (2019).

Collette has been fantastic in virtually everything she’s starred in, and so too has Damian Lewis, making for an intriguing pairing.

Check out Dream Horse in cinemas from 10 June 2021.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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