There is a (cinema) God out there – check out the trailer for the upcoming film Best F(r)iends starring The Room’s Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero.
The director and stars of 2003’s cult classic The Room have partnered up to develop a new film called Best F(r)iends and it looks as bad and weird as The Room was, and it’s perfect.
For anyone that hasn’t seen The Room, drop everything and watch it as soon as possible.
It’s hilariously bad and often referred to as one of the worst movies of all time.
However, since it’s release in 2003, the film has gone on to become a cult classic and these days it screens at least once a month at independent cinemas around the world.
The reason for its badness? The film’s star and director Tommy Wiseau (who practically financed the whole film on his own) is an enigma.
A completely oddball character with virtually no acting talent, he managed to create one of the funniest films I’ve ever seen – inadvertently funny that is.
His friend and fellow lead actor in the film, Greg Sestero, wrote a book recently called The Disaster Artist which is a hilarious must-read for fans of the film and offers a bit more insight into Wiseau’s character.
Best F(r)iends is based on a story by Sestero, which was inspired by a road trip he and Wiseau took back when they first met.
The film is directed by Gary Fong (a former wedding photographer) and unfortunately doesn’t have a release date set, but we can only hope it will soon.
With all the above information in mind, check out the trailer below to see what I’m talking about.