
Classic Film ‘Picnic At Hanging Rock’ to Become TV Show


Foxtel will be producing a TV adaptation of the novel Picnic at Hanging Rock, made popular on the screen in the 1975 Australian film of the same name.

FremantleMedia Australia will also be producing the series, which is set to be a six episode miniseries and is scheduled to premier on Foxtel’s Showcase channel in 2017.

The novel and film tell the story of a mysterious disappearance of three schoolgirls and their governess on Valentine’s Day 1900 at Hanging Rock, Victoria and the events that followed.

Picnic at Hanging Rock has become a true classic of Australian cinema since it was released in 75 and is a must-see for anyone that’s yet to see it, as it’s a truely creepy dramatic tale with beautiful cinematography and excellent direction.

With streaming services such as Netflix, Stan and Presto available to consumers, Foxtel has a lot of competition on its hands, so this exclusive show may be just what it needs to compete with those streaming services.

Check out the original trailer to the classic film below.

Source: Deadline

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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