
Trailer for Generic Action Flick Benefits from Bruce Willis ‘Reprisal’

bruce willis reprisal

In the thousands of trailers which vie for our attention week to week, it’s pretty easy to gloss over Brian A Miller’s Reprisal, starring Bruce Willis.

The storyline of this movie reads like something you might have seen in the TV guide in 1994 at midday on Channel Seven.

A bank manager, haunted by a violent heist turned bad, teams up with his neighbour, an ex-cop, to catch the elusive perpetrator.

What follows, apparently, is your classic turn of the century Paramount Pictures action movie stuff.

Drawn guns, explosives and tense stakeouts – although the cinematography does look nice and provides almost a too painterly atmosphere for what is essentially a mindless action flick.

Whilst this movie looks like a cheap, made for TV crime drama extended for far too long, it’s always nice to see Bruce Willis running about and pulling his wrinkled, Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995) face.

Apparently, the film’s title is loosely tied to the plot, but it’s hard not to see this as a shameless attempt to cash in on Bruce’s legacy with one more blasé, barrel exploding shotgun Bruce Willis reprisal.

The film releases on 31 August 2018.

Watch the trailer below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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A man who likes films so much… He married one. Deserted Island Movie Collection: Undoubtedly has to be the collected works of Arnold Grossman, in particular the 2015 film ‘The Boat Builder’ starring Christopher Lloyd. Best Movie Snack: Roasted Coconut. Wait? Are we still on the deserted island?


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