
'Peppermint Review - Not Very Refreshing

You’ll probably be wondering why this movie was called Peppermint for hours after seeing it. Being that it was the flavour of an ice cream only referenced once in the entire movie, it’s pretty easy to miss the relevance.


Classic Horror Remake 'Suspiria' Meets Expectations - Review

Either you’ve heard of Dario Argento or you haven’t. He’s one of those directors everyone in East Brunswick has a poster of in their bedroom and only likes his most obscure film. You know, seventies arthouse Italian horror, the genre only someone with a film degree has a basic knowledge of.


An Affective, Challenging Documentary - 'Ghosthunter' Review

This film was not what I expected it to be going into it, having read or seen little regarding the thing beforehand, and I have to say, much to the film’s credit. When I hear the words “Ghosthunter”, like many people, my mind immediately jumps to the American TV series; with all its silly camera tricks, night-vision-blair-witch-faces and set-up jump-scare fakery.