
Celebrities Read Mean Tweets 10th Edition – Video


The 10th edition of the comedy segment Celebrities Read Mean Tweets recently aired on Jimmy Kimmel Live, featuring some of the biggest stars in Hollywood.

The funny new video below features the likes of Margot Robbie, Anthony Mackie, Judd Apatow, Olivia Wilde, Paul Rudd and Ryan Gosling amongst others, reading aloud mean tweets that people have posted about them.

This comedy segment has been running for quite some time now on Jimmy Kimmel Live, featuring celebrity actors, musicians and sports stars.

Twitter can be a horrible place as you’ll see by some of the tweets put out there by people, but at least these celebrities can see the funny side of things.

Nevertheless, it’s pretty shameful how people just do not care about the affects their hateful tweets may have on another person, celebrity or otherwise.

I guess the only solution is to laugh it off, enjoy the video.

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