
‘Blade Runner 2049’ – “Time to Live” Behind-the-Scenes Featurette

blade runner 2049 video

A new video featuring some beautiful footage from Blade Runner 2049, and commentary from Ridley Scott, Denis Villeneuve, Ryan Gosling, and Harrison Ford.

The featurette below sees the cast and crew of the upcoming film talk about what it means to be starring in the follow-up to Ridley Scott’s classic 1982 film, Blade Runner.

It sounds as though everyone involved is heavily invested in their roles and are happy to be there, as expected.

Scott’s original film changed the science-fiction movie landscape after it was released, with its intricate themes and ahead-of-its-time visuals.

It looks like director Denis Villeneuve and his production team have taken the visuals to the next level on this one, as it looks mind-blowingly gorgeous.

It’s no surprise, as Villeneuve has one of the best cinematographers in the business on board in Roger Deakins, who’s past credits include stunning films like No Country for Old Men (2007), The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007), Skyfall (2012) and Villeneuve’s own Sicario (2015).

Blade Runner 2049 essentially has one of the best working directors, backed by a legendary producer, with an outstanding ensemble cast that along with Gosling and Ford in the leads includes Jared Leto, Robin Wright, Ana de Armas, Mackenzie Davis, Lennie James and Dave Bautista.

Combine all those things together and we could have the hit of the year.

Check out the video below while we wait for the film’s release on 5 October 2017.

Sound off in the comments below if you’re looking forward to this one.

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